Manik AgnishManik Agnish
JavaScript's 'this' Keyword Made Simple

JavaScript's 'this' Keyword Made Simple

Navigating the "this" Maze in JavaScript: Your Guide to Roles and Functions

Feb 4, 2024
4 min read

Greetings, coding enthusiasts! If you've ever found yourself lost in the jungle of JavaScript, pondering over the enigmatic "this" keyword, you're not alone. In this blog, I'm here to be your guide on this thrilling journey through the world of 'this'. I'll use a cafe analogy to make this exploration accessible even to beginners.

Understanding "this" - The Magic Pointer:

The 'this' keyword in JavaScript is like a magic pointer that helps your code understand what it's currently working with. It dynamically represents the specific object or value where a function is being used, allowing you to interact with different parts of your code.

Imagine you're a barista in a cafe, and you have various tasks like brewing coffee or cleaning. 'this' is like a helpful finger pointing to the coffee cup or milk frother, guiding you on what you should focus on at any given moment.

For example, when you're making a latte, 'this' points to the milk frother so you can froth the milk correctly. If you switch to cleaning, 'this' now points to the cleaning cloth, helping you wipe the counter without any confusion. 'this' is your way of saying, 'Look, I'm talking about this particular thing right now.

Now let's discuss different cases where you might encounter 'this':

Imagine you're the manager of a bustling cafe, where different staff members play specific roles. In JavaScript, "this" is akin to assigning roles to various functions and determining who is doing what.

  1. Cafe Overview (Global Context):

    Envision your entire JavaScript program as a bustling cafe. In this lively setting, "this" in the global context is like making announcements to the entire cafe:

     console.log(this); // Output: [object Window]
  2. Roles of the Barista (Functions):

    Think of functions as different roles within your cafe. The "this" in a function acts like a barista with a specific job, and their role can change based on the scenario.

    • Taking Orders (Regular Function):

        function takeOrder() {
        takeOrder(); // Output: [object Window]

      Regular function, "this" still interacts with the entire cafe.

    • Brewing coffee (Method inside an object):

        const coffeeShop = {
          brewCoffee: function () {
          brewLatte: () => {
        coffeeShop.brewCoffee(); // Output: [object Object] (referring to coffeeShop)
        coffeeShop.brewLatte();  // Output: [object Window]
      • brewCoffee (Regular Function): Just like our regular barista, 'this' within brewCoffee refers to the object (coffeeShop) it is a part of. The output is [object Object], indicating it's addressing the specific team within the cafe.

      • brewLatte (Arrow Function): Arrow functions behave differently. They don't have their own 'this' context and instead inherit it from their enclosing scope. In this case, since 'this' inside brewLatte is in the global context (not within a function or object), it refers to the global object ([object Window] in a browser environment).

So, while brewCoffee addresses the cafe team specifically, brewLatte takes on a freelancing role, addressing the global context. Arrow functions are often used in scenarios where you want to maintain the 'this' value from the surrounding scope.

  1. New Employee Orientation (Constructor):

    Imagine you need to onboard a new employee for a special role. A constructor, using "this," is like creating a new role within the cafe:

     function Employee(name) { = name;
     const newBarista = new Employee('Light Yagami');
     console.log(; // Output: Light Yagami

    With "this," you're introducing a new barista, Light Yagami, to play a specific role.

Real-world scenarios - Orders and deliveries:

Now, let's spice things up with a real-world scenario involving orders and deliveries.

Taking and Fulfilling Orders:

function Order(orderDetails) {
  this.details = orderDetails;
  this.takeOrder = function () {
    console.log(`Taking order for ${this.details}`);
  this.fulfillOrder = function () {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log(`Fulfilling order for ${this.details}`);
    }, 1000);

const customerOrder = new Order('Cappuccino');
customerOrder.takeOrder(); // Output: Taking order for Cappuccino
customerOrder.fulfillOrder(); // Output: Fulfilling order for Cappuccino

Event Handling in the Cafe:

const deliveryService = {
  handleDelivery: function () {
    document.getElementById('deliveryButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
      console.log(`Delivering to ${deliveryService.address}`);
  address: '123 Cafe Street',


In this example, "this" in the event handler refers to the deliveryService, showcasing how "this" can play a role in real-world scenarios.


Let's see all the roles of "this" in a concise coding showcase:

// Global context
console.log(this); // Output: [object Window]

// Regular function scene
function takeOrder() {
  console.log(this); // Output: [object Window]

// Method scene (Inside an object)
const coffeeShop = {
  brewCoffee: function () {
    console.log(this); // Output: [object Object] (referring to coffeeShop)
  brewLatte: () => {
    console.log(this); // Output: [object Window]
  handleEvent: function () {
    document.getElementById('orderButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
      console.log(`Processing order for ${}`);
coffeeShop.brewLatte();  // Output: [object Window]

// Creating new roles (Constructor)
function Employee(name) { = name;

const newBarista = new Employee('Light Yagami');
console.log(; // Output: Light Yagami

There you have it! You've successfully navigated the "this" maze in JavaScript, exploring roles and functions in both coding exercises and real-world examples. Keep coding and managing your roles with confidence! 🚀

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