Manik AgnishManik Agnish
Introduction to Prompt Engineering

Introduction to Prompt Engineering

Unlocking the Power of AI Communication: Your Guide to Prompt Engineering

Sep 30, 2023
8 min read

Before we dive deep into the realm of prompt engineering, we need to refresh our understanding of some fundamental topics to ensure that we are all on the same page. If you're already familiar with concepts like AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), and prompting, feel free to skip ahead to the next section. For the rest of us, let's embark on this journey of discovery.

AI: AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the field of computer science focused on creating systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include problem-solving, understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions.

LLMs: Large Language Models, or LLMs are a fascinating subset of AI. These models are trained on vast amounts of text data and possess the remarkable ability to generate human-like text based on the input they receive. They can answer questions, write essays, translate languages, and even simulate conversations. A popular example of an LLM is GPT.

Prompting: Prompting is the process of interacting with LLMs by providing them with input or instructions in the form of prompts or queries. The way you frame your questions or statements can significantly influence the quality and relevance of the AI's responses.

What is prompt engineering?

Now, let's delve into the heart of the matter - prompt engineering. To put it simply, it is a way of crafting the prompts to get specific and desired responses from LLM. Think of it as the language that unlocks the potential of AI models.

Roles of a prompt engineer:

  • Write, refine and optimize prompts

  • Continuously monitor those prompts

  • Maintain an up-to-date prompt library

The evolution of engineering prompts

Early Days of NLP:

  • In the early days of AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP), computers tried to understand human language, but they were like robots following strict rules.

  • AI models relied on manually crafted rules and simple instructions, making them rigid and unable to handle the complexities of human language effectively.

Statistical NLP and Machine Learning:

  • As computers became more powerful and data became widely available, AI started using machine learning, which is like learning from examples.

  • This approach allowed AI to be more flexible and data-driven, but it still struggled with understanding context and generating coherent text.

Rise of Transformer-Based Models:

  • In 2017, there was a breakthrough with the "transformer" architecture in AI.

  • Transformers, with their self-attention mechanism, could process large amounts of data and capture intricate language patterns.

  • This led to the development of advanced models like Google's BERT and OpenAI's GPT, which are much better at understanding and generating human-like text.

Best practices for crafting a prompt

  1. Clear Instructions: When talking to AI, be crystal clear about what you want. Don't assume it knows everything you do. For example, if you need it to create a timestamp converter, tell it which programming language to use and the date format you want. This way, you get the right results and don't waste your tokens.

  2. Adopt a Persona: Think of this as giving the AI a role to play. Ask it to act like a character. For instance, you can say, "Pretend you're an English teacher helping me with my spoken English." This makes the interaction more engaging and fun.

  3. Specify the Format: Tell the AI how you want it to answer. Do you want a summary, a list, a brief explanation, or a detailed answer? Imagine you're telling it, "Please give me a quick list of facts" or "Explain this like you're telling a story."

  4. Avoid Leading the Answer: Don't give the AI the answer you're thinking. Keep your question open and neutral. Instead of saying, "Why is solar better than fossil fuels?" you could ask, "Tell me the good and bad points of both solar and fossil fuels."

  5. Limit the Scope: Keep your question focused. If it's too broad, the AI might get confused. For instance, ask about one thing at a time. Instead of "Explain all of World War II," try "What caused World War II in Europe?" This way, you get clear and on-point responses.

Advanced techniques

  1. Zero-shot prompting is like giving the AI a completely new task it hasn't practised before. It's like asking it to solve a puzzle it's never seen. We want to see if it can figure things out on its own without any hints.

  2. Few-shot prompting is a bit like giving the AI a few examples to help it understand what you want. It's like showing someone a couple of pictures to explain what you're looking for. The AI uses these examples to do a better job.

  3. Chain-of-thoughts (CoT) is about taking a big problem and breaking it into smaller, easier steps. It's like solving a tricky math question one step at a time. By doing this, the AI can understand things better and give more accurate answers. It's a bit like guiding someone through each part of a complex task so they can solve it step by step.

Skills for prompt engineering

Technical Skills:

  1. AI Understanding: A solid grasp of AI concepts, especially those related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI models like Large Language Models (LLMs), is fundamental. You should understand how these models work, their strengths, and their limitations.

  2. Programming: Proficiency in programming languages like Python can be advantageous. Some prompt engineering tasks may involve scripting or developing tools to facilitate interactions with AI models.

  3. Data Analysis: The ability to analyze and interpret data is essential. You may need to assess the quality of AI-generated responses and adjust prompts accordingly based on data analysis.

  4. Statistical and Mathematical Skills: Familiarity with statistical concepts and mathematical foundations can be beneficial for understanding how AI models process information and generate responses.

  5. AI Model Familiarity: Knowledge of specific AI models, such as GPT-3, and their capabilities is crucial. Understanding their training data, strengths, and weaknesses helps in crafting effective prompts.

Non-Technical Skills:

  1. Communication: Excellent communication skills are vital for conveying your intentions clearly in prompts. You should be able to frame questions and instructions concisely and effectively.

  2. Critical Thinking: The ability to think critically and evaluate AI-generated responses is essential. You should be able to assess whether the output aligns with your expectations and refine prompts accordingly.

  3. Creativity: Crafting prompts often requires creativity, especially when seeking diverse or innovative responses from AI. Thinking outside the box can lead to more insightful results.

  4. Domain Knowledge: Depending on the application, domain-specific knowledge can be highly beneficial. For instance, if you're using AI for medical or legal tasks, understanding those domains is essential for crafting relevant prompts.

  5. Ethical Considerations: Awareness of ethical considerations in AI interactions, including bias mitigation and responsible AI use, is crucial to ensure prompt engineering aligns with ethical standards.

AI Hallucinations

Think of AI hallucinations like when an AI model tells you something, but it's not quite right, and it acts like it's the truth.

Why does this happen?

  1. Not Understanding the Full Picture: AI models can be a bit like someone who doesn't quite get the whole story. They look at patterns in information but sometimes don't see the bigger picture. So, they might say something that kinda makes sense but doesn't really fit.

  2. Learning from the Wrong Stuff: Imagine if you tried to learn cooking from a recipe book with mistakes. AI models learn from lots of information, but if that info has mistakes or wrong stuff, they might say things that are off.

  3. When Things Aren't Clear: Sometimes, when you ask something tricky, it's like asking a riddle without a clear answer. The model might guess or make something up, and that's when you get these strange answers that don't quite match.

So, AI hallucinations are like when an AI model gets a little mixed up and tells you something that sounds okay but isn't quite right.

Vector and text embeddings

Think of vector embeddings as a magical way to turn words, images, or anything into sets of numbers, like secret codes. This is super handy because computers are really good at crunching numbers.

Now, these numbers aren't random; they're like points on a big map with different directions, just like on a real map, you have north, south, east, and west.

Imagine you have two things, like "apple" and "banana." Instead of just calling them by name, you give each of them a special number code, like "235" for "apple" and "456" for "banana." But these numbers aren't simple; they're actually quite long, like 1500 numbers long!

Now, here's the cool part: These numbers are placed on that special map we talked about. If things are similar or related, like "apple" and "banana" because they're both fruits, their number codes are put close to each other on the map, just like on a map, you'd put two neighbouring cities near each other.

Computers use these special maps to understand how things are connected. So, if "apple" and "banana" are near each other on the map, the computer knows they're related because they're both fruits. This helps computers do all kinds of things, like understanding what you write, suggesting things to buy, or even playing games.

In simple terms, vector embeddings are like magical number maps that help computers understand words and things by giving them special numbers, and when things are close on the map, it means they're similar or related.

Text embeddings

They are a subset of vector embedding designed specifically for textual data, such as words, sentences or documents.


As we embark on this journey through the realms of AI and prompt engineering, we'll equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively with these remarkable AI systems. Whether you're a seasoned AI enthusiast or just beginning to explore this exciting field, there's always something new to learn and discover in the world of prompt engineering.

This blog was made possible by taking useful insights from these resources datacamp and freecodecamp.
